Thursday, January 12, 2012

Journal #12

Journal #12 - “Young Goodman Brown”

1. “Young Goodman Brown” is an allegory (symbolic narrative).  What do the following represent?

Young Goodman Brown – It symbolizes the fallen man and someone who is good but has an inclination to sin. He represents innocence and tries to be good in the world that is not. He tries to fight to inclination to do wrong. He represents the process that everyone goes through.

Faith – It stands for his religious life. Something that seems like a strong belief but ends up being something you didn’t expect.

The Elderly Traveller/Fellow-Traveller – Represents that devil and temptation.

Goody Cloyse – She was his catechism teacher. She represents hypocrisy.

The Ceremony – The Ceremony represents the acceptance of your inner flaws. Like the opposite of a baptism. It is where you acknowledge your true self and all of your flaws. Almost like a renewal of their marriage based on reality.

The Pink Ribbon – This represents purity and innocence. When the Pink Ribbon drops that means that the purity is over and he needs to accept it and acknowledge that he is the same.

Young Goodman Brown’s Journey – Represents that as we go from innocence to reality. Everyone thinks all is good until you get a taste of reality. Everyone goes through this process.

2. Identify the following for “Young Goodman Brown”: 

Theme                  Message of Theme                   Element Used to Establish 

Theme: Sin/ Human Weakness

Message of Theme: Every person goes through the same process of losing innocence, sinning, and facing reality.  

Element Used: Characterization


In addition, provide three direct quotes from the story that address your theme.

My faith is gone cried he after one stupefied moment. "There is no good on earth and sin is but a name. Come, devil; for to thee is this world given"

“What if a wretched old woman do choose to go to the devil when I thought she was going to heaven:”

"Evil is the nature of mankind. Evil must be your only happiness. Welcome again, my children, to the communion of your race"

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