Thursday, March 22, 2012

Journal #17

What is the significance of the poems epigraph? How does it relate to Prufrock?

The epigraph is from Dante's Inferno. He is saying that he's not afraid of his story because no one has come back from hell. It relates to Prufrock because his story has his private thoughts.

2. Make a list of questions that Prufrock asks. Do you see a pattern/theme to these questions or are they random?

What is it?
Do I dare?
So how should I presume?
Should I, after tea and cakes and ices, have the strength to force the moment to its crisis?
Shall I part my hair behind?

The pattern and them through out the questions are that Prufrock is very uncertain and self-conscience. He is never sure of anything he does. The repetition of the questions show true anxiety.

3. What do you think is Prufrock’s main flaw/problem?

His main flaw is being self-conscience. He doesn’t want to be judged and can never make a straight decision. Because of this big flaw he can never become a true person with a personality. He'll never experience love or friendship because he's so worried all the time.

4. Why do you think this is called a love song? In what way is it a love song?

It is called a Long Song because its ironic because there isn't any love at all.

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